Steinbach residents are being advised to refrain from having any fires until conditions improve. The notice came out from the fire department Tuesday afternoon. Deputy Mayor Cari Penner says this notice is due to the current weather pattern.

"Conditions have been unusually dry as everyone knows and the Fire Chief has asked that people refrain from burning within the city limits right now."

Steinbach does not have a bylaw that allows it to implement a burning ban. Meeting in committee Tuesday night, Penner says city council asked the administration to review the city's current fire bylaw to determine whether the authority for a ban should be added.

"From time to time, our policies need updating and review. With our newly-annexed areas as well, there are some new considerations. So we felt it was appropriate at this time to review the entire burning issue in Steinbach, when do we need a ban or how would it be enacted."

Chief Administrative Officer Troy Warkentin noted burning bans are generally used mainly by rural municipalities. Council felt it's worth considering the measure for Steinbach for situations like this spring.

Again Steinbach residents are being advised to refrain from all burning until conditions improve.

Below is the notice from the City of Steinbach website: