A Steinbach city councillor is looking for answers about the No U-Turn signs on Main Street and on Brandt Street. Michael Zwaagstra raised the matter in committee Tuesday. He says the city's Traffic Bylaw has not been updated in years and wonders whether it's time to make changes.

"Why do we have those No U-Turn signs in place? What is the reason for them? I know from my experience that when I've been driving along, for example, Main Street and sometimes you want to turn around, that it seems to me to be less safe to be turning off to one side and then trying to turn around on the side street and then go back on than just simply doing a U-Turn. It's a question that I raised and I think it's something we need to take a look at."

Zwaagstra says no one at the meeting knew the reasons for the signs.

"The bylaw was so old that no one actually knew the specific reason for why those particular locations have No U-Turn signs. I think it's important that when we have a traffic bylaw that is, frankly, quite old, that we re-examine some of this because traffic patterns do change over the years and what made sense 20 or 25 years ago may not make sense in the current context."

He notes his question will be part of a larger review of the Traffic Bylaw that could take some time to complete.