Winter wheat harvest is underway in parts of southern Manitoba.

"It's a nice colour, but there is some fusarium in there. The protein was pretty good though," says Lavern Siemens, who farms north of Horndean. He finished combining winter wheat on Monday. He says he was somewhat disappointed with the yield. "I was hoping for a little more. It did about 68."

Manitoba Agriculture reports early yields in the central region are ranging from 65 to 85 bushels per acre, with yields in the eastern part of the province reported between 85 and 95 bushels per acre. Producers in the western part of the province are expecting to possibly begin winter wheat harvest next week.

Siemens says they've started swathing canola and they hope to harvest their caraway, which is laying in swath, later this this week.

Producers across the province are hoping to ramp up winter wheat harvest over the coming week. Canola swathing is also expected to get into full gear on early-seeded fields.