As members of 4-H clubs are preparing for 4-H rallies across the province, many look ahead to the Nuffield Scholarship program in their future. 

The Nuffield Agricultural Sponsorship program is an agricultural scholarship program that provides an opportunity for those with a unique interest in the Ag Industry to study and pursue their interest in agriculture further. 

Clayton Robbins is the Executive Director of the Manitoba 4-H Council. Robbins says 4-H leads nicely into the Nuffield sponsorship program for young people, and 4-H members should consider this as their next step. “I credit my early life in 4-H with giving me the ability to be awarded a Nuffield (scholarship) and to have that opportunity.”

Robbins is a Nuffield Scholar alumni from 2012 and traveled across the world to further his study of agriculture. He shared with us on his travels and on his study of high-quality forages. 

Each year Nuffield Canada awards three scholarships of $15,000 to enterprising Canadian young people from the ages of 25-45, with a passion for agriculture, to further their study through international travel. 

Nuffield Canada was established in the 1950’s with England’s Lord Nuffield’s original endowment towards the study of agriculture. The premise behind the scholarship is to encourage agriculture to be studied abroad, and then to be used to further develop their home country's Ag industry. 

It is a global experience where recipients study Ag around the world, by being shoulder-to-shoulder with farmers and those involved in agri-business, to research new perspectives on various issues that face farmers around the world.

“I encourage any young adults,” says Robbins, “who have been part of the 4-H program to consider it. Leadership development programs and opportunities are out there. Build your network of contacts, build your knowledge, come up with a great study topic and apply for a Nuffield at some point in your life. It is truly an opportunity of a lifetime – it’s a life-changing experience!”

Nuffield Canada is part of the larger Nuffield community which includes countries such as Australia, Brazil, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, and Brazil.

Application forms are submitted to Nuffield Canada by April 30th each year, with successful applicants being selected and notified by August 15th of their application year. A minimum of 10 weeks is dedicated to international travel.

Visit for more information on the Nuffield Agricultural Sponsorship Program.