Curt Plett on the leftA farmer from the Blumenort area says their crops near Highway 1 are looking much better than their crops that are farther south.

Curt Plett of Leighlee Farms says wheat, canola, soybeans, and corn each make up approximately a quarter of their fields. He says the wheat and canola are looking great and harvest has begun, but the soybeans and corn will most likely have very low yields this year. He says five weeks ago all of their fields were doing incredibly well, but since then, there has been very little rainfall.

Plett says their more northern fields are doing much better than the south.

"We have half our land close to Blumenort and the other half in the Dufresne and Lorette area. We are north of the one here, we got a lot more rain here, it’s actually not bad here, further home toward Steinbach and Blumenort it is a lot worse. I think the beans are doing okay here too, so it’s been a lot better up here."

Plett says, unfortunately, a good portion of their corn this year is in the Blumenort area. He notes if we get some rain right now, some of the corn would benefit from it and fill out, but many of the plants are too far along at this point to really bounce back.