It’s been a year of growth, excitement and community for Pat Porter Active Living Centre. 

After two years of working in an empty building, Executive Director Audrey Harder and her team were allowed to finally open their doors and get back into being active together. In addition, they have been able to host events such as tea parties, dances, Lunch and Learn, and the annual Christmas Banquet. 

“Every day is a new day and you can't wait to see who's going to come in. Most days we have at least 100 people coming and going in that building and that's really great to see,” Harder said, and adds that those are numbers they’ve never seen before.  

For Harder, it’s been exciting to see the community united and have younger people get involved. 

“I think people forget that Pat Porter Active Living Centre is not just a seniors area, it is for anyone. We have members in all ages, nine years old as our youngest and 94 is our oldest, I think,” Harder said. “The more younger people that show up and become part of it, the younger our seniors feel.” 

In terms of challenges, like many other organizations, going from “zero to 60” was something they had to figure out. 

“We were running trying to remember how to do things, trying to get back into that working fast mode compared to having an empty building and just making phone calls most of the day. It was quite the challenge,” Harder said.  

Despite the sudden post-pandemic transition, 2022 presented growth. 

“Because of our increase in membership and our increase in programming, we've had to have an increase in staff. Which means we have to also fundraise more, but it's all been so good that we're going to keep going,” 

Looking ahead to the new year, for those looking to get involved, volunteering and monetary donations are two ways to help Southeast Manitobans continue to have a space to stay active. She also encourages the community to check out their programs and what they have to offer. 

“I want you to know that you're welcome. Come join us, come attend a program, come have coffee. Just ask us what it's about we love to have people come and visit.” 

For more information on events and to get involved, visit Pat Porter’s website or contact Harder at 204-320-4600. 

With files from Dave Anthony.