Fifteen child entrepreneurs gathered at Marché la Brise in La Broquerie on August 1st to sell their goods.

Richard Turenne, of La Broquerie’s Community development committee, says the event was put on by Biz Camp, a camp that teaches young kids between the ages of 9 and 13 entrepreneurial skills.

The largely homemade products ranged from magnets to cup-holders to key-racks all created and sold by the kids to educate them in business and management.

Since it began six years ago, the event has slowly changed. Turenne notes: “Last year it evolved into a full-blown farmer’s market. The showcase was still the youth, but now we also had another 16 community vendors come.”  

Turenne indicates the whole atmosphere of the Biz Camp event felt like a giant festival with food-trucks, bouncy-castles, buskers, and farmers selling their produce right alongside the kids. Turenne mentions he is always grateful for events, like Marché la Brise that bring the whole community together.