Lisa Rogul from the Steinbach Humane Society with Cookie.

This is a special week for us on AM1250 and for the Steinbach Humane Society. We want to raise awareness for the Humane Society and what animals they have that need to find a home. This morning Cookie stopped by the studio with Lisa Rogul and she was instantly purring when I held her. Lisa will be stopping by, every morning this week, with a different animal that needs care. Keep listening and keep checking the AM1250 Blog. Also, we'll be holding a Silent Auction at Clearspring Centre NEXT week -- with all proceeds going to the Humane Society -- and you will have chances to win Silent Auction tickets if you listen as well. Some great items have already been gathered for the auction and I'll be telling you more as we meet more animals and get closer to silent auction week. Would you like to take cookie home? You can!! Make the call today: 326-PAWZ (326-7299)!