Farm Credit Canada's 'Drive Away Hunger' campaign takes place this week here in southeastern Manitoba. Wade Nerbas of the local FCC office says the effort involves church youth groups and schools collecting non-perishable food for food banks throughout the southeast.

"Over the years we've grown to nine different food banks with the main one being Southeast Helping Hands and we're pretty much covering the entire southeast now with the exception of a few towns and schools."

Nerbas says they collected 88,000 pounds of food last year and hope for even more this year.

Church youth will be going door-to-door Tuesday evening in Blumenort and Wednesday evening in Steinbach and Mitchell. Jason Heide, the youth pastor at Steinbach EMC, says this is a fun event for church youth but it is also a learning experience.

"They learn about the generosity of people, they are aware a bit more of the needs that are out there and so I'm encouraged to see the way they respond to this. It's lots of fun and it's good to get together and do meaningful service with these youth."

Nerbas adds they will also be collecting food donations from 22 schools Thursday and Friday.

The AM1250/MIX 96/Country 107 fall food drive will take place all day Friday at Superstore in Steinbach.

Hank Klassen, chair of Southeast Helping Hands, says this is a big week for them.

"This food drive is very important because it brings in about 80% of what we have in our food bank (for the year). Without this organization, we wouldn't have a food bank."