Dennis VassartThis week is emergency preparedness week and the emergency coordinator for the City of Steinbach and the RM of Hanover is encouraging residents to be prepared.

Dennis Vassart says it is important that we all take time to think ahead so we know what to do in the case of an emergency.

"There are three quick items, one is to know the risks, what can go wrong in our area. Make a plan, and get a kit. Have an emergency kit so if you are going to evacuate or if you have to shelter in place or look after yourself for up to 72 hours for yourself and your family, that is the key."

Vassart says here in the Southeast we mostly deal with weather-related emergencies such as flooding and tornadoes, but we can also deal with things like large-scale fires and chemical spills. He notes when putting together an emergency kit there are a few guidelines.

"Key things would be water. Two litres of water per day per person in the family, preferably in small containers. Another thing is you want canned food that won’t spoil and a can opener that is not electric. You want to have a battery operated radio so that you can keep up with the news and when things are safe and what is happening."

Vassart says a full list of items to put in an emergency kit can be found on both the City of Steinbach and RM of Hanover websites. He adds this coming Wednesday both the national alert ready and Steinbach alert ready systems will be running tests in the afternoon.