Whether there’s a storm threat or not, Steinbach’s Fire Chief says a 72-hour emergency kit is always an important tool in getting through an emergency.

Kel Toews says everyone should have a container that is filled with basic items that are necessary to get through 72 hours.

The basics are food, water, a first aid kit, a flashlight with batteries, and medications.

“Don't forget your pets,” he adds. “You got to have food for your pets. If your pets have medications, make sure you have that on hand as well.”

It is also important to replenish and rotate items occasionally, to make sure nothing is old.

“You need to have that on hand at all times,” he adds. “You don't always get a warning when there's an emergency.”

Meanwhile, the Steinbach Fire Department is also getting ready for the huge storm that is heading our direction.

“We do a bit of review of our emergency plan for a snowstorm,” says Toews, adding that he is also connecting with our local operations department for the City of Steinbach to make sure they're ready in case fire crews need their help.

Toews says the storm will not stop fire crews from responding to emergencies.

(Courtesy the City of Steinbach)