A man from Steinbach has kept up his winter tradition of building a giant toboggan slide for his kids, and now he does it for his grandchildren. Many people complain about the great amount of snowfall we've had this winter, but Terry Romand has put it to good use.  

Romand says he built his first snow slide when he and his family lived in Winnipeg and has continued that winter tradition, since moving to Steinbach 20 years ago. He says he still enjoys building them and loves sharing it with kids in his neighbourhood. He says he hasn't built one every year, but this year with more snow, and prompting by his wife Sharon, decided to construct one again.

"I shoveled another four feet of snow off my roof and I ended up with this ramp, and I've spent all of January working on this." Romand says he had surgery in early January which has given him some extra time to work on the slide.

Romand says it has been time-consuming with shoveling, watering, and shaping, but adds it's worth it. "I water my yard more in winter than in the summertime. The biggest cost for this thing is the toboggans and the water bill, but it's a community thing as far as that goes, and I'm doing it for the kids."

He notes after school most days many children can be seen in his yard. He adds safety is important so he spends a lot of time shaping and touching up areas as needed. "The neighbourhood kids see it and come. They giggle and have fun with it, so it's worth it."