As we take some time this weekend to reflect all that we are grateful for, a few people have shared what they are giving thanks for during Thanksgiving. 

Christine appreciates the seasons and all the joys that come with the changing weather conditions. 

“From summer flowers and garden produce, to fall colors, to winter wonderland and new life in the spring,” says Christine. 

Annette enjoys the people in her life, saying “I am thankful for the handprints on my windows, the footsteps throughout the home, every laughter and giggle that rings through the halls.” 

Desree appreciates everyone in her life, people as well as animals. “Other than family and friends, I'm very thankful for my birds, so my ducks and my chickens,” she says. 

As Shannon considers her life, she says, “I am thankful for a job I enjoy, and coworkers that are absolutely amazing to work with.” 

Steve appreciates living in Canada and says, “We live in a fantastic country that, I think, we always just take for granted.” 

Vivian appreciates the lifting of COVID restrictions. 

For Meghan, homelife is worth appreciating. “I am thankful that I get to be a stay-at-home parent and be involved in my kid's life so much.” 

John is thankful for his job and appreciates good health. Margo also is giving thanks for her health. 

“I am grateful that in our country, we can be our true selves,” says Dominique. 

Here is what Julianna is grateful for. “What I am most thankful for this year at Thanksgiving is that I was able to retire, and life has completely slowed down.” 

And Jasmine is enjoying the beauty of the season. “I'm thankful for all of the beautiful fall colors we've had this year, and all my animals.”