Some residents of Hanover will find themselves in a different ward for the next municipal election.

The municipal election is not before October 26, 2022, yet Reeve Stan Toews says they will soon need to make some decisions on how to realign their ward boundaries. According to Toews, their ward population is supposed to be within ten per cent of each other. However, that is not currently the case.

"Mitchell, that area seems to be growing faster than most of our other ones," suggests Toews.

But, before realigning any wards, Council will first have to decide how many wards it actually wants. It currently runs a six ward system, but could certainly opt to change that. Six wards is by no means the standard in southern Manitoba. For example, in La Broquerie there are two wards, while Ritchot has four wards. The RM of Tache operates with six wards, however their Ward 4 has two Councillors.

Toews says for his sake, they would not need to change what they have got.

"I like the six ward system," he says. "If you have no ward system then all your representatives can come from one area."

Toews says if you have two or three councillors representing one area, often one councillor will get most of the phone calls for being the better listener.

Hanover ward map