La Broquerie council brought concerns to the table during their meeting with CN Rail representatives Wednesday morning.

Council's concerns included the annoyance of the whistleblowing through the village, drainage issues, maintenance of crossings, and how long the train sometimes interrupts the flow of traffic.

Reeve Lewis Weiss says, "one of the concerns was that at times the trains do stay longer than the 8-minute time blocking off the intersection because there is only one now, we've closed off the other two. It could be detrimental if there was a fire or something like that."

Councilor Laurent Tetrault said when the other two accesses were closed CN Rail had told council the wait time for a driver would never be more than 8-minutes, adding he has heard of wait times up to 15-minutes while the train has come to a standstill on the track.

Weiss notes it's also important to keep safety as a priority.

"The children do have to cross the tracks [to go to school] so it's very important that the schools and the parents keep enforcing and re-enforcing the safety part for the children to look, not just listen, but look and cross when it's safe."

He says the CN Rail representatives were very open to listening and looking into their various concerns.