The emergency coordinator for the RM of La Broquerie says floodwaters in the municipality have gone down considerably.

Louis Tetrault says though there are still some trouble spots, the situation is starting to look more positive.

"We are finally getting to a point where things are slowly getting better and to a point where our public works crews are starting to consider road repairs, that is encouraging. At this point, as of today, the roads that were closed are still closed so not much has changed, but things are getting for the better."

Tetrault says the flood risk in Zhoda has also gone down.

"We had a pump going 24/7 there for the last week or so and the water has dropped to a point where we shut the pump off so we are comfortable with the levels now. They are a lot more comfortable with the levels but the people would sure like to see the water go away some more."

Zhoda resident Dez Marynowski says, for the most part, the water is now confined to ditches in town but many fields in the area are still flooded. He notes residents are still feeling uneasy about the future.

"Everything is dropping right now, looking pretty good but the swamps are still pretty full, the water has nowhere to go. With the amount of water sitting, we haven't had this in years so if we get a lot of snow this winter, it is going to be pretty rough come spring."

Read more:
Floodwaters Are In No Hurry To Leave 
Floodwaters Climb In Zhoda