It appears most U-Pick farms here in the southeast are expecting a very good year. We reported last week that Grunthal Berries had suffered extensive winterkill and would not have a U-Pick season this year. But Andy Loewen, owner of Friedensfeld Honey and Berry Farm, says while they did have a bit of winterkill in more exposed areas, most of their fields look very good.

"A lot of our fields are going down the slope or are on the side of the ridge where there's more moisture and more snow cover, those are looking just awesome. I would say we got about a ten percent damage on our fields so we're basically looking for a full crop. With this heat that's coming on right now, we're expecting to begin picking around the 1st of July."

Meanwhile, Angie Cormier, executive director of the Prairie Fruit Growers Association, says things generally look good for U-Pick operations throughout the province.

"All in all, it's looking like it's going to be a great berry-picking season this year. Yes, there are some farms that did experience some winterkill. But what they have is still very good. There are lots of berries that are coming. They are very excited for this season. A lot of farms are looking at opening this week for strawberry picking. The Saskatoon orchards are very excited about their picking season this year. Last year was a tough season, they got hit by frost, but this year they are very excited and they are hoping to open in the next week to ten days."

Cromier says the biggest berries are always right at the start of the season. She notes members are saying the strawberries are juicy and tasty this year.