Pat Porter Active Living Centre in Steinbach is benefiting from the many people in the southeast who are wearing poppies.

Audrey Harder is Executive Director at the Centre. She explains they have an equipment program where they offer wheelchairs, walkers and canes on a temporary basis for those needing some help.

"Generally it's about three months," explains Harder. "If you need it longer it's fine as well."

Harder says when someone is injured, they should not need to stress about where to find medical equipment to assist them.

"You are already dealing with a lot, you are already dealing with being sick in the hospital, getting out of a hospital, trying to get life back together, financially strapped because if you work you can't work, all those things going on and now you got to go buy equipment just to get home," she says.

Harder says in the last year that program has really grown, to the point she has been forced to turn down requests at times.

"I don't like to say 'no' to people, especially if it's going to help for their greater good," she says.

Harder says the Centre knew a program existed through the Legion where organizations can request financial assistance. She explains when someone makes a donation towards a poppy, that money is placed in a fund and can be distributed to not-for-profit organizations that serve veterans, seniors or the community. The Pat Porter Active Living Centre reached out to the Legion and received a cheque for $2,000.

"We were very fortunate this year," says Harder.