Steinbach's snow plows are out on the city's streets following 6.6 cm of snow Tuesday.

Steinbach Head of Public Works Randy Reimer says they typically send the plows out around the 5 cm mark, making it an easy call to begin clearing snow following Tuesday's snowfall.

"Tuesday we were out sanding a bit and cleaning our downtown sidewalks," Reimer explains. "We let the rest of the snow finish off overnight, and then we started at 3:00 Wednesday morning. We will have to basically cover the whole community."

Reimer is anticipating they will be finished by 5:00pm Friday, and he asks residents to be conscious of where they park.

"With a winter like we've had, people have kind of gotten accustomed to leaving their vehicles on the street and not having to move them in between snowfalls," he notes. "Once again we would like to see people move them off the streets, and then once we've cleared that street they can resume parking."

Additionally, he asks motorists who encounter snow plows on the streets to be patient and give them the space they need.