The Mayor of Ritchot says they are looking to spruce up main streets in St.Adolphe, Ste.Agathe and Ile des Chenes.

According to Jackie Hunt, main streets are the lifeblood of any community. She notes though communities in Ritchot are growing, they are dated in some ways. And she says council feels it is important to examine what sort of short term improvements and long term upgrades can be done to their main streets.

(Ritchot Mayor Jackie Hunt)Hunt says the process started last year when they hired a planning architect. She notes there were community consultations which were well received.

"I think people like when you ask them what they want," says Hunt. "Rather than just make decisions and people have to live with it."

She notes they got some really good feedback and wonderful ideas from the community consultations.

"Things that we would never have thought of on our own as a municipality," admits Hunt.

The Mayor says what they have now is a tool that shows where they are heading and what needs to be done to make their main streets an important part of each community.

The RM of Ritchot has already funded the cost of the initial consultations. Hunt says they now need to determine what can be tackled yet in 2017, such as the addition of some park benches.

"There are some big ticket items, some big areas that need some development," says Hunt. "It's not all going to get done today, it's not all going to get done within the next five years."

Hunt notes there will be money set aside in their budget each year. Right now they are waiting to hear back from the architects and receive a working document which can be utilized in the future.