The Mayor of Steinbach is hoping that the RM of La Broquerie will have a change of heart regarding a transitional policy area that regulates development on the border between the city and the RM. The transitional policy area, created in July 2012, stipulates that all development within two miles of Steinbach's eastern border must be approved by both the RM of La Broquerie and the City of Steinbach to ensure that development suits both parties.

La Broquerie Reeve Louis Weiss says council wants to drop the policy, believing the RM should be able to freely develop land as it chooses without requiring approval from Steinbach.

Mayor Chris Goertzen says the transitional policy area was set up to benefit both La Broquerie and Steinbach.

"It is designed so that we can actually work together in the development of that area, making sure it has full urban services and making sure that we're working together, not working separately. I think it really is a good model and, obviously, we would like to see it stay because we want to work together with our neighbours, creating something that's bigger than just the islands of our municipalities. We want to work in conjunction so that we're creating something efficient for our citizens for the long run."

Goertzen says the city will continue to advocate for the transitional area through the Steinbach-La Broquerie Joint Action Committee which was established a few months ago.

"Having the joint action committee between the two municipalities is a really good step. It allows us to talk about our differences, it allows us to talk about our vision for the region and it allows us to move forward. Obviously, it doesn't mean that we're going to agree on everything, but we're going to talk about it and that's an important step. We're going to continue to be at that table, talking to our neighbours, making sure that we're building something for the citizens of the southeast that's efficient and has good, high levels of service."