The first traffic detours in Steinbach started at 7:00 Thursday morning as set up begins for Summer in the City. Randy Reimer, head of Public Works, says Reimer Avenue was closed from Elmdale to First Streets as of 7:00 a.m. to allow the midway to put up its rides. Then at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Main Street will be closed from Friesen to Barkman Avenues to accommodate the rest of the festival set up.

Reimer outlines the preferred route around the closed streets.

"The detour from Main Street, heading east, will be Highway #12, south to McKenzie (then east) to Main Street/PTH 52 and then proceed east. That will be the detour for any Main Street/Highway #52 traffic that's wanting to travel through the city heading east towards La Broquerie."

Reimer he adds, with the construction occurring on Highway #12, combined with street closures for Summer in the City, motorists will need to use extra patience on city streets this weekend.