An environment study through Eco-West Canada followed by electric car implementation will not be going forward in the RM of Tache.

RM of Tache council chambersMayor Robert Rivard says council decided not to proceed with the proposal because council and the municipal administration felt it was not the right time, noting they will keep the idea in mind for the future.

"We have a lot of different things going on right now and we have consultants hired on three or four different projects right now for this year. So, we just decided that now wasn't the time to move on it."

Rivard adds the biggest hesitations for council was the cost, and the lack of payback they would currently see in the rural areas. He says while the municipality is not implementing electric cars at this time, they are developing a plan on how they can be more environmentally considerate.

"We always have to be thinking about that, even if we're not moving on electric cars. We are talking as a municipality about, well, should we look at putting up some charging stations for other people to use, possibly at our Centre of Canada Park or even at our office."

He adds they are continuing to work with Eco-West Canada on other projects such as the pending phosphorus removal project for the Landmark lagoon.

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