Over 150 youth went door to door this week and collected over 7,000 pounds of food for the Farm Credit Canada Drive Away Hunger Campaign.

Jason Heide is the Youth Pastor at the Steinbach EMC. Hey says youth groups from 13 different churches here in the Southeast were involved in collecting donations in Blumenort Tuesday evening and in Steinbach Wednesday evening. He notes many of the youth are excited to have this opportunity to serve.

"I do always hear stories of people being surprised at the generosity of others. I think that most of the youth are excited about the ability and desire to help people and they enjoy being involved in meaningful service."

Heide says they were blessed with great weather both of the evenings they were collecting. He says it is important that youth in southeastern Manitoba get volunteer experience.

"The earlier you get them started and involved in service, hopefully, they develop a love for it. Most youth, when they serve they recognize that it feels good to help people and so hopefully that can be one motivating factor that helps spur this on in their lives."

Heide says the youth really enjoy the going door to door for the Drive Away Hunger Campaign and they are already looking forward to next year.