After a successful taco in a bag fundraiser, the executive director of enVision Community Living says the Southeast never lets them down.

Jeannette Delong says the money they raise this year will go toward purchasing two new vehicles for different aspects of their organization.

"The existing vehicles are old, well worn. We use our vehicles really well at enVision. The first vehicle is going to Eastman Employment Services and they have a work crew that gets hired out by the community members to do yard care and they need a vehicle to haul their equipment around and the second vehicle is going to Kindale Industries and they provide transportation to get to jobs, to volunteer opportunities, to deliver the flyers."

Delong says they will need $95,000 to replace the existing vehicles with new ones that will be used for years to come. She notes, though the vehicles are important, it is what they will help them accomplish that matters.

"Really the meaning behind it is about what happens for people when they get transportation to opportunities that allow them to participate actively in the community and to give something back and to be vibrant contributing citizens of the community so that is really the ultimate goal of what the vehicles provide for us."

Delong says the taco in a bag event really kicked off fall fundraising and got the word out about their needs. She notes they will now follow up with donors and continue their fundraising campaign. She adds the southeast always steps up without hesitancy and provides support in a way that is unexpected and thrilling