The Deputy Fire Chief for the RM of La Broquerie says they were called to a single-vehicle collision on Highway 52 shortly before 1 Monday afternoon.  

J.C. Normandeau says the collision itself was just east of Kokomo Road. 

“It appears that the lone occupant of a vehicle veered off the road and ended up against the hydro pole. It was a small compact car.” 

The car was travelling westbound at the time of the collision. 

At this point, Normandeau says he does not know the nature or extent of injuries suffered by the driver. 

STARS Air Ambulance was initially called to the collision but Normandeau says they were stood down.  

As we reported earlier, the highway was closed immediately after the collision and both east and westbound traffic was being re-routed. As of 4:30 PM, Normandeau says clean-up was completed and the highway was reopened.