Crews in the RM of Hanover were busy early Sunday morning building a dike on Road 33E just south of Provincial Road 205.

Wes Fehr, Manager of works and Operations for Hanover, says flooding in that area hasn't happened in a few years but is something they've dealt with before. "Right now we are attempting to hold back the water there because in the past it has threatened the community of Sarto."

Fehr says they are building up the road to use as a dike, to hold back the water coming from the east. "Generally the water coming out of La Broquerie is from the swamp area and treed area, and once that starts running that usually means it's the tail end of the runoff."

The forecast is calling for freezing temperatures over the next few nights, Fehr says that will slow the melting process, but adds there may not be a lot of snow left to melt.  

Multiple roads are closed in the RM of Hanover due to high water. "There may still be a few washouts happening we aren't aware of. We are noticing a few through grade culverts with issues where the road will all of a sudden fall away, and that happens very suddenly so just a word of caution when traveling on gravel roads."