The Hanover School Division board has been receiving a lot of correspondence in regards to the recent LBGTQ presentations.

Board chair Ron Falk says correspondence ranges from emails to phone calls and voicemail messages, all of which has been catalogued and made available to each trustee for review. Falk adds most of the correspondence doesn't hold the expectation for response noting the board will not be responding to each individual concern. He says they have been receiving a few responses from out of province residents, although most are from Manitoba and of those most are within the school division.

Falk notes, as a board, they will continue to discuss the issue.

"Our administration certainly will be looking for some direction and that is part of the board's job, to give our administration direction," says Falk. "So, we need to discuss a little bit around the whole topic and see what we want to ask our administration to research some more for us, to follow up on some more, get some additional information on."

Falk says he promised the board would reply to Mika Schellenberg's presentation in a more formal way and are still committed to keeping that promise. The next HSD board meeting is a private meeting and Falk says one question they may be discussing is whether a blanket overall decision needs to be made, or if the response given to Michelle McHale still stands.

Read More:
Hanover Trustees Respond To LGBTQ Request
Parent Concerned About Discrimination In The Classroom
HSD Responds To Parent's Concern Of Discrimination
Student Concerned About Hanover Policies Being Discriminating