The reeve for the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie says 2017 will be remembered as the year of growth.

Lewis Weiss says it was exciting to see the growth in the village and the rural areas of the municipality with the high number of building permits pulled.

"We're very close to 2014 which I always thought as a bit of a record year for at least the last eight to ten years. So, it's kind of good to see that we're able to get at least close if not equal to it."

Weiss says 2017 was another year where they made progress of road repairs and drainage issues, despite the spring flood.

"Looking back the last two years were kind of disastrous as far as the melt and the flooding. We have just got out of a meeting with two of the province's road and drainage gentleman and it was exciting to see some of the same things we're dealing with they're already planning to start on. We were talking maybe we could do it in phases, so I think there's a bit of a positive look there."