Following the resignation of the Pat Porter Active Living Centre’s former Executive Director Kim Duncan, Audrey Harder has been hired to fill her shoes.

President Doug Enns notes that Duncan left in order to pursue other career opportunities, and adds that Harder’s transition into the role, which began early October, was organic.

Enns, feels Harder brings a myriad of useful skills to the table including an outgoing personality, a variety of useful connections, and experience working with Envision Community Living.

Audrey Harder (Photo credit: Audrey Harder)

“I applied for this job because I feel that there is a great need for community options for seniors,” comments Harder, “I want to make sure people are not lonely and have an opportunity to lead healthy, connected lives.”

Harder says she is at a time in her life where her parents are aging. She recognizes the value in active support and wants to make sure it is available to all seniors in the area. She exclaims: “I want to make this place the place to retire because of the Pat Porter Active Living Centre.”