November is the month to celebrate adoptions during National Adoption Month.

Arley and Janice Loewen of Blumenort were married in 1984 and she says they were thinking of having four or five children but after a ruptured tubal pregnancy and emergency surgery overseas in 1986 it was confirmed by the doctors that they would not be able to have biological children.

Loewen adds it took a few years for her and her husband to go through the grieving process and feels it was necessary before they were truly able to desire adoption.

“Once we had gone through the grieving process and made the decision we were both very excited. We came back to Canada because there were no possibilities living overseas. For us it was an amazing adventure. We had sort of committed two years for the Lord to do something for us. Two years I know doesn't sound very long for adopting and a lot of people thought we were crazy, but in two years time we had two beautiful little girls. And so we really believe that's what God had in store for us.”

Loewen notes Rachel was their first daughter and it was an international adoption from Belize. She explains they found Rachel through her husband's cousin who was living in Belize and asked if they would be interested in adopting. Because it was an international adoption Rachel was four days short of being two months old when they were able to bring her home.

They're second daughter Rebecca was also a surprise, notes Loewen, who was found through their social workers sister. She says Rebecca was in Canada and they were able to take her home from the hospital when she was ten days old.

“We (Loewen and her husband Arley) decided from day one we would do all we could to make them (Rachel and Rebecca) feel a part of our family. So we always talked about the adoption. Actually my friends would joke with me because for us there was no difference. From the very beginning we felt that they were our children, not adopted children but our children. And I think that it's a very important aspect of adoption. Even though their colouring is very different from ours, I guess I'm blind to it because I see them as my children.”

Loewen adds in the past there has been negative connotations about adoption noting it was said those who are adopted are more likely to end up wayward or getting into trouble. She says they have never experienced that and other families they know who have also adopted have not had any need to be afraid of that anymore than a biological child suddenly going wayward, walking away from their faith or getting themselves into trouble.

She explains in every family there will be really good positive moments and days where it's more of a struggle. Loewen adds Rachel has met her birth mother and Loewen wasn't worried laughing while saying if she wasn't her daughter after 20-some years then something went wrong.

“Actually when we got there my daughter was more worried and concerned if I was okay with her meeting her birth mother. I was very happy for her to meet her birth mother and it turned out all very nice. I think for the birth mother it was a huge blessing for her to know that her daughter was in good hands and grew up healthy and vibrant.”

Daughter Rebecca Loewen says she appreciates having always known she was adopted and being adopted didn't make a difference in how she feels towards her parents and sister. Rebecca has yet to meet her birth mother but says it's a decision she feels doesn't just involve herself and she would want to have that experience with her parents. If you're thinking of adopting ...

“Coming from someone who has been adopted, I would say to those wanting to adopt that it definitely makes a huge difference in that persons life. Especially for me, I wouldn't change anything about my life. I'm really happy with my parents and my sister. My life has been really great, like we've lived overseas and I've had so many different experiences, I wouldn't change anything about it. I would just say for anyone who is wanting to adopt, it's just a really good plan if you can't have your own kids or if you just want more kids, it definitely makes a huge difference for us.”

Loewen adds Rachel got married and has her own daughter noting it's very, very special to be a Grandma now too.