Frost is coming out of the ground and wreaking havoc on roads in the City of Steinbach.

Randy Reimer is the Head of Public Works. He says the difficulty in maintaining the gravel roads right now is they need moisture to be able to blade the road properly and there hasn't been early enough precipitation this last month.

"Generally, once we get a little further into warmer weather we start using water to water and pack roads to get them in shape for the summer, but it's a little bit early. Now that we're not getting any moisture, we are going to start watering roads as well to try and get them brought up to a level that at least we can keep the dust under control."

Reimer says Park Road West sees a lot of traffic and more heavy truck traffic this spring due to the new water treatment facility project underway.

He notes there are also concrete or asphalt streets which have frost boils.

"If you have older streets and they're starting to get cracked up and you got moisture penetrating down into the base and sub-base. You can start getting the frost moving the asphalt and causing potholes and causing problems down there too because most of our concrete and asphalt we try to keep sealed up. When we get major cracks we try and seal them to keep the moisture down into the base and sub-base."

Reimer says crews will be paving or patching small areas as part of their annual patching program. As well, he notes their capital road projects this year include concrete work on McKenzie Avenue between Lilac Bay and Brandt Street, as well as Hespeler Street North from Loewen Boulevard to Evergreen Avenue.