There appears to be no rest for Steinbach snow clearing crews. Randy Reimer, head of Public Works says, on the heels of a major snow clean-up that was completed Monday, they were back at it Wednesday.

"We started clearing at 3:00 this morning to get a lot of our main collector streets cleaned up and some of our parking lots at facilities that are going to be open. The plan right now is to try and get as many collector streets (main routes in and out of neighbourhoods) open by the end of tomorrow as we can for Christmas. We won't get all residential streets cleaned up but we're going to at least try and get into every residential area and get at least the main collector streets cleaned up so people have a little easier time once they get out of their crescent, or whatever, to the collector streets that takes them out of their residential area."

Reimer adds there are a couple of variables that will affect their progress including gusty north winds and another five centimetres of snow in the forecast today.