Manitoba will experience a partial solar eclipse this afternoon and some school divisions have decided to keep the youngest students indoors during the event. 

In the Hanover School Division, early years and middle years students will remain indoors during the eclipse which starts near the lunch hour. 

As a result, students who normally go home for lunch are invited to stay in school for lunch, or will need adult supervision to leave the school, for safety reasons. 

Even a brief look at the partially eclipsed sun can result in permanent damage. 

Hanover School Division's announcement on safety measures during the solar eclipse:

A total solar eclipse will occur on Monday, April 8, 2024, between approximately noon and 3 p.m. Central Standard Time. It will span from southern Ontario to Newfoundland and Labrador, with the rest of Canada experiencing a partial eclipse. Manitoba will experience an approximate 50 percent occlusion eclipse.

This awe-inspiring event will draw people’s attention; however, if proper precautions are not taken, there is a risk of permanent vision damage. Even a brief look at the partially eclipsed sun can result in permanent damage. Children and students may need extra supervision during the eclipse, as they may not fully comprehend the risks involved.

In an abundance of caution, all early years (Gr. K-4) and middle years (Gr. 5-8) students will be required to remain indoors during the eclipse. Please be aware that the eclipse will begin near the start of the lunch hour. As a result, students who normally go home for lunch are welcome to bring their lunch and stay or will need to be under the supervision of an adult to ensure that they follow the safety guidelines linked below. Please contact your child’s school if you need to make alternate arrangements. Parents can also elect to keep their child(ren) home for the duration of the eclipse for safety reasons if they prefer.

High school students will be informed about the risks of viewing the eclipse. However, due to variations in individual schedules, school staff will not limit students’ movement during the eclipse.

Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has consulted and collaborated with Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care to develop the attached guidance on solar eclipses. This resource includes a general overview, risks, and information on how to view eclipses safely. -

In the Seine River School Division, all students in kindergarten through grade eight will remain indoors during the eclipse’s window. 

High school students in Hanover and Seine River will be informed of the solar eclipse and its associated risks. They will not be restricted in terms of movement during the eclipse’s window. 

An alternative to viewing the eclipse directly could be watching a live stream broadcast, such as the Manitoba Museum live stream. You may also refer to the Manitoba Museum for instructions on how to construct a safe viewing lens at home.