The Hanover School Division's Director of Transportation says student safety is paramount and driving through the stop sign is an infraction under the Highway Traffic Act. 

Robert Warkentin adds they are having problems with motorists ignoring the stop signs. He explains when a bus comes to a stop and opens the door to let students out there's a switch that activates the red flashing lights, stop sign and crossing arm at the front of the bus.  Warkentin explains he sees drivers ignoring the stop sign as a problem throughout their division as well.

"I did a quick look.  We've submitted about 25 drive-thrus this school year already.  And I know from reports back from drivers that there's many more we do miss because we have to try to get a license plate number.  Basically if a driver recognizes that a car is driving through, their first priority is watching for their kids.  So your focus is on where the children are in relation to what is just happening.  So there are lots that end up driving through and we can't get the information required to press charges on that.  Especially at some of our high speed areas on the highways.  Like there are places where people are driving through at high rate of speed."

Warkentin adds there have also been instances where drivers will try to pass the bus on the right-hand side where the students exit.  He notes it's best to stop even a small distance in front or behind the bus because there may be students crossing the road.  With 86 buses, around 6000 students and many stops Warkentin says there's plenty of opportunity for people to see the buses in action and the bottom line always comes back to safety.

Warkentin explains there have been a few close incidents during his time at the Hanover School Division, luckily no one has been hurt so far.  He adds there are several reasons why someone might drive through the stop sign.

"Some of it is the distracted driving side of it, you still see a fair amount of that.  Some of it is perhaps impatience, some of it is maybe not sure whether they can go through or not.  There are on occasion where people drive through very slowly and you're going 'why didn't you stop?'  Very simple.  But maybe confusion.  But when the stop sign is out and the red lights are flashing, stop means stop, regardless of if it's on a school bus or a highway or down Main Street in Steinbach."

Steinbach RCMP Sergeant Joanne Ryll notes the charge for driving through the stop sign and red flashing lights of a school bus is $673.65.  MPI says there are also two demerits deducted from an individual's driver safety rating.