Kids and parents are being encouraged to take part in "Wacky Week" which will start on Monday.

Local parent Sara Richards is bringing the idea, which started at Woodlawn School and bringing it home for kids of all ages to enjoy!

Sara says it's a great way for kids to stay entertained and engaged with others. "They're still kids, they need their creative imagination and we are striving to continue to interact with our community. This is a great way to do it."

Every day next week is going to have a theme to it so parents and kids can dress up each day in something new. They can share the pictures on the MIX96 Facebook page, send them to grandparents and those in need of a smile, can get a boost of positive energy!

Kids of all ages and even parents are encouraged to play along.

Monday -  Rainbow Day: Dress in as many colors of the rainbow as possible. The crazier the better!

Tuesday - Pj/Onesie Day: Wear your favorite pj's or onesie all day long!

Wednesday - Raid Mom And Dad's Closet: Show us your best outfit when you dress up like mom or dad (parents, maybe dress as your kids). 

Thursday - Game Day: Wear your favorite sports teams jersey or colors

Friday - Maker Space Day: Make an outfit from scratch. A garbage bag or cardboard box, paper bag dress. (Pinterest is a great source for ideas)


Get your ideas ready this weekend and get ready to share your great outfits on Monday!