For the sixth year in a row, the congregation from Christ Our Saviour Catholic Church in Steinbach will be holding a live Way Of The Cross ceremony on Good Friday, as part of their Easter celebration.

Youth Coordinator Jason Baiz says many events are held during the holy week, with celebrations beginning on Tuesday. He says they encourage parishioners to take part in a Chrism Mass at St. Boniface Cathedral in Winnipeg. On Wednesday at 7 pm, they hold a regular mass which is followed by the seven last words of Jesus.

Baiz says, "We reflect on the last words he spoke while he was on the cross. We have a variety of music from our choirs and bands within the parish, as well as a few others formed just for that specific event."

Thursday, he says they have a traditional washing of the feet, followed by two services on Friday. The live Way Of The Cross ceremony starts at 10 am. "We walk down Loewen Boulevard to Hespeler Avenue to Reimer Avenue, up to Walnut Street, then back to Loewen, and back to the church. We reflect on each of the stations, where we have various people in costume. This year, we encourage children and families to equally dress up and participate in that component of the procession."

Baiz says each station is set up to depict various moments that Jesus would have experienced as he journeyed to his crucifixion. "At each station, we have a bit of a reflection, meditation, and prayer, then we move along. At 3 pm, we have a Veneration of the Cross, in which we reflect on the cross Jesus accepted, and the sins he took on for the sake of all of our salvation."

A simultaneous service will be held at the church for anyone not able to take part in the walk, which Baiz says will start and end at the same time. He notes, the whole walk takes about an hour and a half, and adds, a soup and sandwich lunch will follow for anyone joining the procession or service.