Judy Swain stopped by the AM1250 studio this morning to tell us about the "Write for Rights" marathon that will be taking place at the Jake Epp Public Library in Steinbach this Saturday, December 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

December 10th was International Human Rights Day and in celebration of that -- Amnesty International is asking all of us to write letters in support of prisoners of conscience all around the world. The only crime they have committed is to have spoken an opinion not appreciated by their government. Amnesty, a completely independent organization, and completely supported by donations, mobilizes 7 million writers around the world. The letters go to the authorities in support of these prisoners and the sheer volume of them, plus the other pressures that Amnesty is able to exert through the media and other, goes to work for these prisoners... and it WORKS! Over 66% of prisoners that we go to bat for are actually released OR their conditions are considerably improved. So... join in on Saturday and make a difference!! Thank you!