A spokesperson for Manitoba Sustainable Development says another week and the forest fire in the RM of Piney should be extinguished.

Earl Simmons notes the fire has been burning north of the community of Badger since last Sunday. He says they still have a crew of about 70 who are on the ground fighting the fire.

"We're scanning it in the early mornings to find any hot spots from the perimeter of the fire and there's quite a few hot spots showing up on the fire so the crews are moving to those hot spots. Yesterday the humidity dropped quite a bit in the afternoon so it got really dry with the higher temperatures and a little bit of wind so they had a few challenges along the edge but the fire didn't escape its perimeter."

Simmons adds it could a few weeks yet before the cause of the fire is released. He says the weather is working in their favour.

"The biggest factor, in addition to the fact that it's getting warm now and the humidity is dropping, is the wind and there's not going to be a strong wind today so that's a saving grace for us. It makes it a lot easier to keep the fire in check if anything happens."

Simmons warns all residents of the southeast to be careful over the weekend as temperatures continue to climb, while humidity drops. Backcountry travel remains closed to motorized vehicles between 8 am and 8 pm.