Wednesday began with line-ups at the Steinbach supersite as Manitoba kicked off the 20,000 doses in a day ‘vax-a-thon'.

Those wanting a Moderna vaccination were lined up and are able to walk in without an appointment from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.

For those looking for the Pfizer vaccine, tickets were being handed out for appointments later in the day. As of 8:30 Wednesday morning, appointments were being made for 3 p.m. and into the evening.

The Steinbach supersite has 420 spots reserved for Pfizer vaccinations with a focus on children ages 12-17. Adult doses will get second priority.

One Steinbach mom waiting in line says she was there to do her part in keeping the community and her family safe.

Here 14-year-old daughter echoed those thoughts, “I just want to like keep people safe so when we go back to school we're like all safer and we like don't have to wear masks anymore and we can like go back to like normal.”